For anything regulatory have to give the nod to @lex_node on twitter. There's a web of lawyers you can find through him

FIT act is concerning as it stands.

Looks likely the next spearhead against crypto will be requiring KYC/AML

Coinbase has been heavily involved with FIT and it would kill p2p in the US. They'd also benefit the most from it as a moat

Good read as always gang

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"The main arguments of the “gold bugs” about “paper gold” (ETFs and similar investment products) apply to “paper crypto”, too." I get the main point but can you elaborate on this?

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Whoo Lee Shieet. I’m so excited for 2024

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SOL up since your article a few weeks ago outlining poor prospects for the project. Wat means?

There were assurances!

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Assurances, Jerry!!!

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This has given me a great post idea, stay tooned!

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