Standard Chartered Bank also blanketed banned a lot of crypto related website.

Couldnt use my credit card, but the P2P function on Binance worked for example.

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Instead of crypto exchange showing up in bank account, some unknown sketchy quasi money transfer business third party shows up in bank account?

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Even more important to set up bank accounts that you only do crypto 'biz' with. Heard about many bank accounts being shut down due to 'sus money laundering'. Really painful if its your main bank account

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Timely substack post.

Shared this on twitter the other day but feel it’s worth sharing on here for anyone who doesn’t use twitter. Chase prevented me from buying BTC via CashApp and BTC/ETH on Kraken recently.

Automatically labeled my transactions as “fraud” and had to dispute it with the fraud department. Activity was consistent with my account going back a long time. Never received a clear reason why from the representative. Luckily had a few crypto free bank accounts already.

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Have you tried Spritz Finance yet? Off-ramp crypto to IRL bills or bank accounts directly from any DeFi wallet. Supports payments & ACH off-ramp transactions with any token on up to 6 blockchain networks, including Mainnet, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Optimism and Arbitrum. Beta launched last year for US residents, planning to expand to more countries this year.


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Do you really think banks will suspend bank accounts that have interacted with exchanges? Could you expound on that a bit?

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so 2 months later and now the question becomes...what do we do if there in another executive order 6102 situation on crypto?

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