Great stuff! Would love an article dedicated to SOL ecosystem. Lot happening there atm

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I am not an America citizen, but I have come across this Executive Order 6102 that forced Americans to surrender their Gold bars or face heavy penalties like jail terms. After everyone surrendered their physical gold assets, prices moved 40% up and never came back down. This is a horrible conspiracy that played out by the elites! I am very suspicious of KYC and what Ledger is doing to their customers.

Is there anyway to protect owners of bitcoin in the event that similar event played out globally? It is clear that the elites are coming in to attack and rob people of their bitcoins, perhaps one day. What is the best and easy way to protect ordinary bitcoin owners (worldwide)? I followed your advice and found the Bisq Network attractive but have not figured out the best a way to fund it, or to move BTC anonymously in such a way that it is impossible to link it back to my past wallets.

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Any opinion if any of the Ultraviolet light blindness from the BAYC rave party going to be problematic for BAYC as a brand in general? I have a hard time understanding this culture, when I was younger you go to these types of parties to meet women, but these things are like 99% guys, so maybe in their bizzaro-thinking style, they perhaps view the UV-light as their spider-man moment that makes them stronger for the exposure and it strengthens brand?

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just more bro culture that is not at all helpful with regards to wimmen. In today's world you need to be out there chasing the fairer sex on your own not in large groups

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Where do you guys swap BTC to ETH? I tried the inbuilt swap in my hardware wallet app and the fees were absurd.

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Why can't you just do it on a CEX? Usually maker fees are next to nothing.

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Thanks guys...wow. Much needed level headed view. Was wild this morn

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Hi, a bit off-topic question. I subscribed recently and would like you to guide me over all your posts since the beginning in early 2021. In what order do i read? Since there's no convenient way on substack to sort all the materials chronologically. Thanks!

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no easy to do it that I know of. Would have to scroll down from the main page until you reached the bottom

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No mention of gaming sector?

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