This is great, did some tests on JPEG to see vested schedule. They only have 3 vested transactions, is this normal? I would think there would be more since the number of people involved. Im a little confused on the divide by 10^18 to get the token amount, if i drop the 0's i get about around 1b, which makes sense. Also, looks like one of them will vest on 4/20 lol

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Smart Contracts (Solidity) can't handle or represent decimal places so all token representations (including ETH) are whole numbers.

Using ETH as an example:

1 ETH = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 WEI (1 followed by 18 zeros)

In a Smart Contract 1 ETH would be represented in WEI. Dividing by 10^18 'removes' those 18 zeroes so we can see the value in ETH terms with decimals. It is similar to other tokens, the catch is not all will have 18 zeros which is why you can't always just divide by 10^18.

You can check the number of decimals by going to "Read Contract" on Etherscan and checking 'decimals'.

E.g. USDT has 6 decimals: https://etherscan.io/token/0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7#readContract

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Spot on, thank you sir!

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Bonus points: did you see the three which vest 400 years in the future? eek

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I missed those, the only ones i could find had a 2yr vesting schedule. Also, i think i was reading the wrong number on the Epoch for the start, they all seem to be March 1st from what im looking at now.

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Hey Crapgadget - I tried to also use JPEG'd coin to follow along in the article, but didn't have any luck (https://etherscan.io/token/0xe80c0cd204d654cebe8dd64a4857cab6be8345a3#readContract).

For example, when I go to "Contract" I don't see anything about vesting ("TokenVesting.sol").

Anything I may be missing based on the link I provided?

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Yea that confused me too. Once you find the token, look at the transaction tab, obviously it will have a ton of pages since lots of transactions. However, i assumed the vesting transactions would be at the start, which was true in this case. Skip to last page and you can see the three there. It will list as a vest transaction, just click the transaction hash and the rest is there. Or you can download the .csv and ctrl+f.

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This was incredibly helpful, thanks!

Once remaining question I have is, how do you convert the unit256 allocation to actual numbers (ETH or GWEI)? I understand it needs to be divided by 10^18, but there are letters in the code. For example, on the second vesting transaction (https://etherscan.io/tx/0x022ade2ae559b7ca82ce8cde18c8feca62fb74c5f58a4b6733d65996ce4b7395), the total allocation includes letters (see below).

Total allocation: [1]: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000059b926b76958e41501c0000

Thanks so much!

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great post, definitely would like to learn more about navigating the block explorer, more specifically identifying + interpreting certain txns that may not be intuitive

examples would be helpful too - went through some txns that I thought should be token vesting, but didn't find any meaningful values when hitting "decode input data" :(

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This is helpful, could be even more so if concrete examples provided. I.e walkthrough of a specific protocol to check vesting schedule, and other key security parts of contract (is it upgradable etc.).

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This was very helpful. Does DeFi Education plan to do a post or series of posts on different Tokenomics structures? That would be very appreciated.

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anyway to expand upon this series? basically, all the best investors are expert block explorers/etherscan readers. Would love a series that teaches us that + checking contract functions etc. pretty please :)

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I had a token show up in my wallet just after adding to my jpeg postion. Someone created this token and paired it with Eth on Uniswap. They then swapped the exact same amount of eth as I had traded for jped into my wallet. They made a similar transaction with 16 other wallets and promptly removed the liquidity from Uniswap.


Token address


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